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KEYNOTE  Palmer DePaulis

Palmer DePaulis began his career as a teacher in 1969 at St. Mary of the Wasatch High School and then later at Judge Memorial. In 1974 he joined the Allstate Insurance Company and worked in business for 10 years before being elected to the Salt Lake City Council. In 1985 he was first appointed as Mayor of Salt Lake City and then ran twice for re-election. In 1993, Attorney General Jan Graham appointed Palmer as her public relations manager and then later as her Chief of Staff.  Governor Mike Leavitt appointed Palmer in 1999 as a Tax Commissioner and in 2005 Governor John Huntsman appointed Palmer to lead his Department of Community and Culture. When Governor Gary Herbert took office, he appointed Palmer as the Director of the Department of Human Services. Palmer retired in November of 2013 and serves now on many boards and commissions. He has also volunteered his time to help solve the homeless problem in our community. He is married to Jeanne DePaulis and has two children and four grandchildren.

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